8 Powerful Strategies To Deal With A Hyperactive Child

Creating a Steady Schedule

Establish a routine for stability, reducing anxiety and providing a sense of security.

Establish a routine for stability, reducing anxiety and providing a sense of security.

Encouraging Physical Activity

Boost focus by incorporating regular physical activities to channel excess energy positively.

Teaching Relaxation Techniques

Guide your hyperactive child in mindfulness, muscle relaxation, and deep breathing for relaxation.

Positive Reinforcement

Motivate with praise and incentives to effectively encourage effort and celebrate successes.

Breaking Tasks into Manageable Steps

Ease overwhelm by dividing large projects into smaller, manageable steps with available assistance.

Limiting Screen Time

Ensure healthy growth by minimizing screen time to prevent increased hyperactivity in children.

Developing a Sleep Routine

Establish a regular sleep schedule, incorporating calming activities like reading for hyperactive children.

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