Daman & Diu Administration Junior Engineer and other Recruitment 2015

Daman & Diu Administration Junior Engineer and other Recruitment 2015 Junior Engineer is an entry position for a full pledged Engineering profession. A Junior Engineer works under the supervision of an Engineer. He is not expected to function as an Engineer and is also not at liberty to make decisions associated with work techniques and systems. A Junior Engineer works under the direct command and management of an Engineer. Junior Engineer is responsible for checking and testing of certain meters if work is involved in an industrial plantation, distinguishing concerns, identifying them and attaining solutions to these concerns, maintaining the optimum performance of a certain engineering system or design, as per direct mandate by the Engineer.
Daman & Diu Administration Recruitment for Junior Engineer and Other Details:
Last Date to apply: 23rd November 2015
Name of Post: Junior Engineer and Line Helper
Eligibility: Any Graduate, BE/ B.Tech
Job Location: Daman & Diu
Selection Process : Written-test
Junior Engineer /Line Helper recruitment in Daman & Diu Administration on Temporary Basis in Kadaiya Group Gram Panchayat
Junior Engineer
Qualification: B.Tech (civil)
Line Helper
Qualification: ITI (wireman)
How to apply: Candidate Should apply with detailed bio data latest by 23.11.2015
The edict of the Emperor Ashoka (273 to 136 B.C) was found in Saurashtra and Sopara near Bombay. Satrya Kshatrapas under the Kushana emperor seemed to have ruled over Daman District during the first century, A.D. The Coins of Bhumaka and Nahapan, the kshaharata rulers were discovered in the surrounding areas of Surat District. Ushavadatta, son-in-law of Nahapan, is said to have provided ferries on rivers Dhanuha Dhamana, Parada and Tapi.
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