MP DElEd Result 2023 (Declared) 1st & 2nd Year, Check
The Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) has officially released the results for the MP DElEd (Diploma in Elementary Education) 1st Year Main Examination 2023. Candidates who appeared for this examination can access and download their results from the official MPBSE website at

The Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) has officially released the results for the MP DElEd (Diploma in Elementary Education) 1st Year Main Examination 2023. Candidates who appeared for this examination can access and download their results from the official MPBSE website at
MP DElEd Result 2023: How to Check
Follow these steps to download your MP DElEd 1st Year Examination 2023 result:
Visit the Official MPBSE Portal: Go to, the official website of MPBSE.
Access Results Section: Look for and click on the link titled 'D.El.Ed – Ist Year Main Examination Result -2023' available on the homepage.
Redirected to Result Page: Once you click, you'll be directed to a new page.
Enter Roll Number: Input your roll number in the provided space and click 'Submit'.
View Your Result: Your MP DElEd 1st year result will be displayed on the screen.
Save and Print: Save a digital copy of your result for your records and consider taking a printout for future reference.
Candidates are advised to verify the details on their result thoroughly and keep a printed copy as proof for further proceedings. For direct access, use the link provided below: