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UPSC IAS Pre Exam 2015, Civil Services Preliminary Exam 2015

The Indian Administrative Service (IAS) is formed on 1893. It is basically a administrative civil. IAS officers hold key and strategic positions in the Union Government, States and public-sector undertakings IAS as the permanent bureaucracy in India forms an inseparable part of the executive branch of the Government of India thus providing continuity and neutrality to the administration. The IAS is one of the
UPSC IAS Pre Exam 2015, Civil Services Preliminary Exam 2015
UPSC IAS Pre Exam 2015, Civil Services Preliminary Exam 2015

The Indian Administrative Service (IAS) is formed on 1893. It is basically a administrative civil. IAS officers hold key and strategic positions in the Union Government, States and public-sector undertakings IAS as the permanent bureaucracy in India forms an inseparable part of the executive branch of the Government of India thus providing continuity and neutrality to the administration. The IAS is one of the three All India Services along with the Indian police and forest service .it can be employed by both the Union Government and States. IAS officers represent Government of India at the international level in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. IAS officers plays vital role in conducting free fair and smooth elections in India under the direction of Election Commission of India and states  at various levels of administration. The Recruitment to the Indian Administrative Service is done through an extremely competitive examination called the “Civil Services Examination”, organized by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is India’s central agency authorized to conduct various examinations based on Civil Services, Indian Forest Services, Engineering Services, Combined Defense Services, National Defense Academy, Naval Academy, Combined Medical Services, Special Class Railway Apprentice, Indian Economic Service/Indian Statistical Service, Combined Geoscientist and Geologist, and Central Armed Police Forces (Assistant Commandant). Presently the chairperson of UPSC is Deepak Gupta and its Headquarters is located in Dholpur House, Shah Jahan Road, New Delhi – 110069

Tomorrow is UPSC IAS Civil Service Examination 2015. Admit card and Syllabus of UPSC IAS Civil Service Examination 2015 available here. To appear in exam candidate must carry Admit Card.

UPSC IAS Pre Exam 2015, Civil Services Preliminary Exam 2015 is Tomorrow

UPSC IAS Civil Service Examination Admit card 2015 Details:-

Name of the post: Indian Administrative Service (IAS)

Date of Examination: 23 August 2015

For more details regarding Admit card: CLICK HERE 

Syllabus of UPSC prelims 2015 Details:-

Paper Marks Time Subject
 I 200 2 hrs Current events of national and international importance, History of India, Indian and World Geography, Indian Polity and Governance, Economic and Social Development, General issues on Environmental Ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate Change, General Science.
 II 200 2 hrs Comprehension, Interpersonal skills including communication skills, Logical reasoning and analytical ability, Decision making and problem solving ability, General mental ability, Basic numeracy, Data interpretation, English Language Comprehension skills, English Language Comprehension skills.


For more Details regarding Syllabus: CLICK HERE


For more Exam Notification: CLICK HERE 

Last Minutes Examination Tips:

  •  Sleep Well: Proper sleep is required a day before examination to keep our brains  at their best. If you sit for an exam without proper sleep you will have a much harder time recalling the information you need to earn a high score. You can study an hour or so a day to keep yourself focused and on-topic, but avoid working late into the evening.
  • Review class Slective content:  Instead of broadly reviewing All course review the selective material before the exam.
  • Be confident: Dont loose your Confidence. It is the key to success in any examination.
  • Concentration: Concentrate on the questions and get the answers right is required to get the maximum benefit in the minimum time, it needs to be done neatly, with a focused mind.
  • Strategise: Pre-plan how you are going to handle the exam. Schedule your priority according to your interest and capacity. For instance, if you are good at numericals, try to solve all the numericals at the first go, leaving aside the history questions you are not sure of