OPSC Released Viva Voce Test Schedule for Senior Teacher Educator

Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) has released the Viva Voce Test Schedule for the recruitment to the posts of Senior Teacher Educator. The candidates who have qualified in the written examination and going to appear in the interview for the same posts may download the Viva Voce Test schedule from the link given below.
The commission has conducted the written examination for the same posts on April 17, 2017. The OPSC will conduct the Viva Voce Test for the given posts from June 1, 2017 to June 7, 2017. The candidates can download the interview letter from the official website.
OPSC Released Viva Voce Test Schedule for Senior Teacher Educator
Candidates must check other details of the post which are given below:
Name of Organization: Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC)
Name of Examination: Viva Voce Test for Senior Teacher Educator
Click Here To Download the Viva Voce Test Schedule for Senior Teacher Educator
You can also follow the steps given below:-
Visit to the Official Website of OPSC
Click on the link Programme for Viva Voce Test in connection with Recruitment to the Posts of Senior Teacher Educator [Advt. No. 12 of 2015-16]
You will get the Viva Voce Test Schedule in pdf format