KVS teacher recruitment 2015- Exam cancelled due to paper leak

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), New Delhi has released recruitment of 4339 Teaching Post (Graduate Teacher, Trained Graduate Teacher, Miscellaneous Teaching, Primary Teacher & PRT (Music)) & Non-Teaching (Officers Cadre) vacancies. Due to the Leakage of Question Paper the written examination on 4th October 2015 for Primary teacher and Primary Teacher (Music) had been cancelled. New date for examination will be Published Soon.
KVS teacher recruitment 2015- Exam cancelled due to paper leak
On 3rd October 2015 it was notified in an official statement from Rewari Haryana Police that KVS written examination on 4th October 2015 for Primary teacher and Primary Teacher (Music) Paper was leaked on Wats app. According to the received information from Police the gang of persons allegedly involved in the paper leak and they also recovered incriminating material from them.
A written examination scheduled on 4th October for recruitment of teachers by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) was cancelled over reports that its question paper was leaked. It has not yet been notified as to when the test for recruitment to the post of Primary Teachers (PRT) and Primary Teachers (Music) will be held again
It was brought to the notice before a day of exam that question paper of PRT exam has been leaked and its soft version is circulating on internet messaging application WhatsApp. The recruitment agency told that it might not be possible for them to cross-check the allegedly leaked question paper with the actual question paper for the exam of PRT due to various reasons. Accordingly, it was decided to hold the exam and to cross check the authenticity of leaked question paper available on WhatsApp with the actual question paper from one of the examination centers. KVS has outsourced the complete recruitment work, including setting, printing and dispatch of question papers to various centers across the country and opening of question paper at the time of examination to the All India Management Association (AIMA). KVS also got information from Rewari police that they have busted a gang of persons allegedly involved in the paper leak, have recovered/seized incriminating material from the 13 arrested persons and an FIR has been filed in this regard.
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Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan is a system of central government schools in India that have been instituted under the aegis of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). It comprises over 1,000 schools in India and three abroad. The system came into being in 1963 under the name “central schools” and has been affiliated with Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) since then. Later, the name was changed to Kendriya Vidyalaya. Its objective is to educate children of the Indian Defence Services personnel who are often posted to remote locations. With the army starting its own Army Public Schools, the service was extended (but not restricted) to all central government employees. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan headquarters is in New Delhi, India.