BSEB 10th Sent-up Exam 11th Quarterly Exam Schedule Revised, Check Dates Here
The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has revised the exam schedule for Class 10 sent-up and Class 11 quarterly exams. The exams were originally scheduled to be held on November 27, 2023, but have now been rescheduled to December 4, 2023, for Class 10 sent-up exams and December 5, 2023, for Class 11 quarterly exams.
Nov 24, 2023, 20:40 IST
The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has revised the exam schedule for Class 10 sent-up and Class 11 quarterly exams. The exams were originally scheduled to be held on November 27, 2023, but have now been rescheduled to December 4, 2023, for Class 10 sent-up exams and December 5, 2023, for Class 11 quarterly exams.
Revised Exam Dates
Date | Shift 1 | Shift 2 |
December 4 | 114 Higher Mathematics | 118 Commerce |
116 Economics | 121-Persian | |
122 Sanskrit | 123-Arabic | |
124-Maithili | 117-Fine Arts | |
118 Home Science | 119-Dance | |
120 Music | 127-Security | |
125 Beautician | 129-Tourism | |
130-Retail Management | 131 Automobile | |
132 Electronics & H/W | 133 Beauty and Wellness | |
134 Telecom | 135 IT/ITs | |
December 5 | Mathematics | Biology, business studies, geography |
Important Information
- The revised exam schedule applies to all regular and private students who will be appearing for the BSEB 2024 exams.
- Students are advised to download the revised exam schedule from the official BSEB website and keep it safe for future reference.
- For any further queries, students can contact the BSEB helpline or visit the official BSEB website.