Education Minister Arvind Pandey said, Anganwadi centers will be connected to primary schools
The navihals will be made aware of the school before reaching the school level. This will be the beginning of a strong relationship with schools through pre-primary. Anganwadi centers will undertake pre-primary education. For this, preparations are being made to bring Anganwadi centers with primary schools.
There will be a big change in primary education from the new academic session in the state. The central government has laid the foundation for this change in the new national education policy. Uttarakhand has begun to materialize these changes. Education Minister Arvind Pandey said that the state government will engage with full strength to ensure the quality of primary education and the trust of parents on it. The provisions of the new policy will be prepared and implemented in concrete action plan. Education Minister Arvind Pandey, who attended the meeting of the departmental core committee constituted for the implementation of the new education policy, said that the government is committed to revamping school education.
Preparations are made to make pre-primary a part of school education from the next academic session. For this, the department is busy in exercising. The new policy will have three years of Anganwadi and pre-primary education. Two years will include first and second grade education. He said that Anganwadi centers will now be connected to primary schools. At present, more than five thousand Anganwadi centers are being operated in primary schools. By the next session, this arrangement will be more streamlined. Pre-schooling will now be a part of the overall education campaign.