
RSMSSB CET 12th Level Result 2023: Download Rajasthan 10+2 Marks, Cutoff Here

The Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board (RSMSSB) has announced the publication of the Common Eligibility Test (CET) - Senior Secondary Level (SSL) or CET 12th Level recruitment exam results

The Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board (RSMSSB) has announced the publication of the Common Eligibility Test (CET) - Senior Secondary Level (SSL) or CET 12th Level recruitment exam results. To access their scorecards, candidates can visit the official website at rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in. To view the CET 12th Level result, applicants will need to provide their exam type details, application number, date of birth, and captcha code.

The RSMSSB CET 12th Level recruitment exam is conducted for various positions, including junior assistant, forester, clerk, jamadar, hostel superintendent, and constable. The exam took place on February 4, 5, and 11 in six phases, with two shifts each day: 9:00 AM to 12 PM and 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM. Answer keys for the CET 12th Level were released by the Rajasthan Services Selection Board on March 31.

To download the RSMSSB CET Scorecard 2023, follow these steps:
Step 1: Visit the official website of RSMSSB at rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in.
Step 2: Navigate to the 'News notification' section.
Step 3: Click on the 'CET 12th level' marks link.
Step 4: On the new window, select the exam type and enter the application number and date of birth to log in.
Step 5: The RSMSSB CET 12th-level result will be displayed on the screen.
Step 6: Verify and download the CET 12th Level scorecard.
Step 7: Keep a printed copy of the result for future reference.

Candidates who successfully pass the CET 12th Level exam can proceed to the next stage of the selection process. For those who did not meet the cut-off criteria, it is advisable to consider alternative options. Additionally, the Rajasthan Services Selection Board has released the cut-off marks for the examination, which indicate the minimum scores required to qualify for the next level of the selection process. The 12th level result has been issued for candidates who achieved equal to or higher than the cut-off marks based on their respective categories.