
Punjab Jobs 2023- IIT Ropar Invites Applications for Non-Teaching Post, Check&Apply

IIT Ropar is currently hiring eligible candidates for the post of Research Associate III.

Are you looking for a research position in 2023? If so, IIT Ropar is currently hiring eligible candidates for the post of Research Associate III. This is a great opportunity to work with a prestigious institution and enhance your research career. In this article, we have provided all the necessary information for you to apply for this position.

Qualification Requirements:

To apply for IIT Ropar Recruitment 2023, candidates must have completed M.Phil/Ph.D. For a detailed description of the qualification, kindly visit the official notification provided below.

Vacancy Count:

IIT Ropar is inviting candidates to fill various vacant positions in Ropar. Eligible candidates alone can go through the official notification and apply for the job.


The candidates who have been selected for the Research Associate III vacancies in IIT Ropar will get a salary of Rs.54,000 - Rs.54,000 per month.

Job Location:

The job location for IIT Ropar Recruitment 2023 is Ropar. Mostly the firm will hire a candidate when he/she is ready to serve in the preferred location.

Walkin Date:

Candidates who wish to join as Research Associate III in IIT Ropar can attend the walk-in interview on 21/03/2023. The address and other details will be mentioned in the official notification.

Walkin Process:

To know the walk-in procedure for IIT Ropar Recruitment 2023, candidates can go to the official website and download the IIT Ropar Recruitment 2023 Notification. IIT Ropar will conduct the walk-in interview for Research Associate III vacancies on 21/03/2023.