BPSC Assistant Professor Recruitment 2014 Interview Schedule
Bihar Public Service Commission has announced interview dates for the post of Assistant Professor of Engineering department to be posted in Government Engineering Colleges under Department of Science and Technology. Candidates who have qualified its written examination are now eligible to appear for its interview which is scheduled to be conduct from 23rd July to 3rd September 2016. Aspirants can check the interview schedule which we have uploaded here.
Commission will upload the admit card for this interview round just before a week of the interview. We will make you available call letters for this interview as soon as it will be uploaded on the official website of BPSC.
Candidates can check further details of the post given below:-
Bihar Public Service Commission Assistant Professor Recruitment Exam 2014
Name of Organization: Bihar Public Service Commission
Name of Post: Assistant Professor
Name of Department: Science and Technology department of Government Engineering College
Interview dates: From 23rd July to 3rd September 2016
Click here to view interview dates for Assistant Professor
You can also follow the steps given below:-
- Visit to the official website of BPSC
- Click on the link ‘Interview Program: For the Post of Assistant Professor (CE, E&EE, ME, CE/C.Sc., Physics, English, Geology, Chemistry) in Govt. Engg. Colleges under Dept. of Science & Technology.’
- You will get the interview schedule
Aspirants stay connected with this website to get latest updates regarding this recruitment programme of Assistant Professor.