
Primary school children will not get education on phone, Guruji will call five students daily and remove their problems

The story of the corona is increasing day by day. Students – students should not have any kind of problem. For this, the government has postponed the board examinations. In addition, locks have also been installed at the gate of basic schools. But, parents were also worried that this time too, like the previous year, there should be no

The story of the corona is increasing day by day. Students – students should not have any kind of problem. For this, the government has postponed the board examinations. In addition, locks have also been installed at the gate of basic schools. But, parents were also worried that this time too, like the previous year, there should be no impact on children’s education. But the Department of Basic Education has found its way out. Guruji will call five students every day and give them tips for studies and will remove every question and doubt. So that studies do not get affected in any way.

There should not be any hindrance in the studies of students studying in council schools. The Basic Education Department is making every effort for this. The Director General of Education has instructed teachers to talk to five children every day. Many students were affected due to lack of resources in the lockdown. In view of this, the department has started an initiative. Students who do not have a smart phone. The data of those students will be collected. After this, the teacher will talk to five children every day and give them learning tips and will make every effort to continue their education. Apart from children, teachers will also talk to their parents and motivate them to support the children.

What and how long there was talk between children and teachers. It will be monitored by departmental officers. BSA Vinay Kumar said that as before, this time also the students’ studies will be continued online. Follow the instructions from the government. For this, the BEO has instructed the teachers in every school of their block to talk to five children and continue their education. The District Coordinator, Training Yogesh said that in the instructions given by the government, it has been said that with online studies, teachers have to talk to five children every day and solve their problems.