
New education policy will be implemented in Uttarakhand from the new session, children will read Vedas, Puranas, Shastras and Gita in schools


Employment News-The Education Department of Uttarakhand has announced to implement the new education policy from the new session. The new education policy will be implemented in the pre-primary schools of Uttarakhand. Meanwhile, the political battle has intensified in the state regarding the implementation of the education policy. Congress has fiercely targeted the BJP regarding the new education policy. Also questions have been raised.

The first state in the country to implement the new education policy
Education Minister Dhan Singh Rawat has claimed that Uttarakhand will be the first state in the country where the new education policy will be implemented. Under which education will be given along with Vedas, Puranas, Gita, Shastras, science and new technology. Under this education policy, education will start in 5000 primary schools and Anganwadi centers of the state. Under the new education policy, students will be taught from this session.

Education Minister told three main things of the new education policy
The Education Minister has told three main things of the new policy. He told that the new education policy will be based on traditional education. In this, students will get the option to make their career. Education will be employable. On one hand, where Education Minister Dhan Singh Rawat is telling new standards of new education policy. At the same time, the Congress party is raising questions on this.

Congress challenged
Congress party's organization general minister Mathura Dutt Joshi said that BJP should first study Vedas, Gita and Shastras in its schools. They say that how many teachers are there who teach Vedas, Puranas, Shastras, who are aware of all these? Challenging the Education Minister, he said that the Education Minister himself should come and discuss about Vedas.