
Educational material being prepared from junk to teach school children in sports


Employment News-In the state these days, teachers are producing aids and teaching materials with a lot of emphasis. After the exhibition of teaching aids manufactured at the school level, a two-day state level exhibition cum competition is being organized in the capital's Institute of Advanced Educational Studies. Tuesday is the last day of the exhibition. Under this initiative, teachers of government schools with their students create educational material from the surrounding useless or useless material to develop an intuitive understanding of the language and to solve the mathematical concepts in a playful way to explain the concepts of science. are doing. This material is also being tested for quality and excellence for educational use. Excellent educational material produced in this way is also being displayed and rewarded from school level to state level.

In this context Dhanaraju S, Director of State Education Center said that various types of aids are used by elementary level teachers to enhance the quality of children and to clarify difficult concepts of science. This material is made by the teacher according to the subject and content of the material with low or negligible cost. In this way, this material is developed from junk, waste materials, natural and low cost materials. This will develop the art and skills of mutual coordination, learning and understanding from each other between students and teachers. That is why this teaching aids manufacturing competition is being organized.

teachers will be rewarded
TLM (Teaching Learning Material) teaching aids creation competition and fair organized on 4th March at school level, 7th March at Jan Shiksha Kendra level, 11th March at Block level, 14th March at District level and on 25-26th March done at the divisional level. In this sequence, on March 28 and 29, this competition is being organized at the state level at the Institute of Advanced Educational Studies in the capital Bhopal. In which the first, second, third 3-3 excellent models selected from each division are based on language, maths and science subjects. Teachers will be rewarded by selecting first, second and third in each of these categories. On Tuesday, in the exhibition of teacher aids, the students of classes 1st to 9th will be open for observation by the teachers, public representatives and the general public. Prize distribution will also take place at the end of the exhibition.