
'Do homework, get mobile'... will make children victims of gaming disorder


Employment News-Nowadays, social media and the Internet are speaking over the heads of children and adolescents. Young children are given phones first for entertainment and then on the pretext of getting homework or other work done, but this is not right. Mobile addiction in children can be dangerous. Gradually this habit is making children a victim of gaming disorder.

Recently, in Lucknow, a 16-year-old teenager killed his mother only for refusing to play PUBG. In such a situation, parents have to be careful from the beginning. They need to understand that they can stop this habit of children, but for that both strictness and caution have to be taken from the beginning. In fact, parents lure their children to use mobile phones in lieu of teaching, doing homework or doing some household chores. This later turns into their habit and then gaming disorder.

Mobile phone addiction is like an addiction
Dr. Narveer Yadav, Assistant Professor and Senior Psychiatrist, Government Medical College, says that the side effects of excessive use of mobile phones in children and adolescents are visible with time. In medical parlance, it is called gaming disorder. Actually, addiction to online games is also just like addiction. In this, a chemical called dopamine is released from the brain which stimulates the brain. There is an addiction to playing games like an addiction, which gradually manifests in the form of depression, anxiety and psychosis. Children or adolescents sometimes take violent forms as the symptoms progress, resulting in unbelievable accidents.
take care of this
Do not give mobile phones to young children at all. Often parents hold mobile in the hands of children to do their work.
- If the child asks for mobile for some time then set its time.
- Teenage boys and girls keep a close watch on how long they are using the phone.
If children are addicted to mobile then try this
If the child is using the phone for a long time, then focus his attention on the things that interest him.
- If the child has a hobby, then let him do it so that his attention can be diverted from the phone.
Always keep the password in the phone so that the child can never open the phone himself.
- Get the child to play outdoor games. If there is no space, keep busy with indoor games.
Keep in mind that if the child uses the phone more, then talk to him with love and tell its disadvantages. Don't snatch the phone just by scolding.